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Our Republic Connections Run Deep

At Republic Airways we connect people every day. We connect people to different places for business meetings; connect families for holidays, visits and vacations; connect individuals to places where they will make lifelong memories; and connect travelers to new cultures and places. It’s what we do.

The same is true for Republic Market Planning Analyst Ashley Sims and LIFT Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) Apprentice Dustin Novak. Ashley and Dustin aren’t just Associates, they’re also siblings, one of many sets of family members within our Republic and LIFT organization. We sat down with Ashley and Dustin to discuss the connections they have made at Republic and the ways Republic truly feels like a family to each of them.

What do you do at Republic /LIFT?

Ashley Sims: I started at Republic in January of 2016, just a month after graduating from college. I have held three positions within my almost six years of employment both at LIFT Academy and Republic. I am currently working in Strategic Operations as a Market Planning Analyst.

Dustin Novac: I started at LIFT in the AMT Apprenticeship Program in September 2019, a few months after graduating high school.


How did you hear about Republic/LIFT?

Ashley: My cousin told me about Republic after I had expressed interest in working in aviation. I was excited about the idea of travel privileges that could allow me to see the world.

Dustin: My sister Ashley knew that I wanted to pursue a career in mechanics – I really enjoyed working with my hands. When LIFT announced the AMT Apprenticeship Program, she encouraged me to apply. I was accepted and was a part of the first group of apprentices to start at LIFT.


What makes Republic/LIFT feel like family to you (both literally and figuratively)?

Ashley: My coworkers and I all share the same passion – traveling. We even have a “Travel Miles” board to see who travels the most each month. I am around people every day who have common goals and passions, and it has been so easy for me to develop relationships and true friendships here.

Dustin: The apprenticeship at LIFT is my first job, and while I have nothing else to compare it to, I have felt like I was a part of the Republic family since day one. You can tell that everyone really cares about one another. I found it helpful having my sister at work with me, while she was working at LIFT. I knew someone from the beginning of my apprenticeship, and she helped me meet people through her. I really enjoy spending time with my coworkers. We seem to think alike and spend time talking about projects and hobbies that we are doing outside of work, i.e. working on cars or building things.


How has Republic/LIFT allowed you to connect with others? 

Ashley: Republic has allowed me to connect with others by allowing me to travel the world and share my experience with others.

Dustin: I have been able to connect with others by traveling on Ashley’s flight benefits. I have also had the opportunity to meet and make connections with Republic Maintenance Associates – it’s so easy to connect with people.


Do you like working at the same company as your sibling? Why? 

Ashley: It was weird working at the same company as Dustin at first! I eventually got used to it, and now I’m so happy to have Dustin as part of the Republic family.

Dustin: Working with my sister helped me easily connect with more people outside of the maintenance team at LIFT. Since this was my first job, she also was a big help with my transition to working fulltime.


What are the best parts of working for Republic/LIFT? What does working at Republic/LIFT allow you to do that you would not be able to do if you worked elsewhere?

Ashley: The best part about working at Republic is going into work and truly enjoying what I do and who I work with. There hasn’t been a day in the last six years I didn’t enjoy working at Republic or LIFT. This Company has allowed me to travel so much, and I have been able to share the same experiences with my family, which I have thoroughly enjoyed.

Dustin: I really enjoy working on the planes and getting on-the-job training through the LIFT AMT Apprenticeship. I learn best from hands-on experience versus sitting in a classroom, so learning in this environment has really been perfect for me. It would be much different if I went to a different A&P (Airframe and Powerplant) program. LIFT is truly special.


Do you have a family member who also works at Republic or LIFT? We’d love to hear your story. Email to share your family connection at Republic and why it means so much to you!