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Endless Ways to Follow Your Own Path

One look at Bryan Linck’s experience with Republic Airways shows the many different roles he’s served. RJet Cadet. RJet Ambassador. First Officer. Talent Acquisitions. Line Pilot Instructor. Safety Committee FOQA (Flight Operational Quality Assurance) Gatekeeper. Captain.

All in less than five years since first joining Republic.

While Bryan enjoys being a Pilot, he also appreciates finding career opportunities that extend beyond the cockpit.

“When I’m part of an organization, my goal is to find ways to contribute,” Bryan explains. “You can fly from point A to point B with any company. For me though, being involved with training or safety – and knowing that Republic supports those programs – that’s more fulfilling for me.”

Getting Involved

One thing that sets Republic Airways apart in Bryan’s mind is the size of the organization itself. “We’re a big regional doing big things for our mainline codeshare partners,” he says. “At the same time, it’s small enough where you have countless other ways to get involved.”

“I’m always looking for opportunities to make a difference with other people,” he continues. “I can be involved with the training department. I can teach our new First Officers and Direct Entry Captains how we operate and get them prepared for their type rating in the Embraer 170/175. I can be involved in supporting our Pilot group with safety issues.”

Training Opportunities

Before pursuing a career in aviation, Bryan’s background was in education. So, it only makes sense that he’d be drawn to training as a career opportunity with Republic Airways.

“Going through Pilot training is kind of like drinking from a firehose,” he says. “You’re basically going from flying single-engine training aircraft (with a maximum cruising speed typically under 200 knots) to learning how to fly a twin-engine commercial jet at 400 knots. It’s a lot. It happens fast.”

Training is key to all aspects of Republic Airways operations. “We invest a lot of time and energy into making sure that the people that come to Republic are going to be successful,” Bryan explains. “That investment is evident the moment you step inside our new Training Center – where you see state-of-the-art simulators, flat-panel trainers and ground school programs to get people prepped and ready to go.”

“To be part of the training program and impart some of the lessons that I’ve learned is something really worthwhile,” he says.

Personal Connections

Just as important as training and safety, Bryan emphasizes the importance of individual mentorship. “Republic supports and offers wide-ranging mentorship programs,” he says. “Being able to work with our new hires, I know how stressful it is to go through an airline training program. Not too long ago, I was in their shoes.”

“I had a Captain as a mentor from the moment I came in as a new hire – someone I could call and talk to, someone who would provide guidance and advice, someone who would actually reach out to me and ask how I was doing.”

To Bryan, those personal connections matter. “When we all support each other, it makes the job easier,” he says. “It makes the job more fun. To be able to empathize, provide feedback on how they’re doing and watch as they develop, that’s a really rewarding experience.”

Making the Jump

For anyone considering a future with Republic Airways, Bryan’s advice is simple. “I’d say do it! It’s one of the best jobs that I’ve ever had. If you are looking for a fulfilling career where you can make a genuine difference, you can find that here.”

Learn more about Airline Pilot job opportunities to follow the path you want and advance your career at Republic.